Heat Stroke in Seniors is Dangerous

In hot summer weather, heat stroke in seniors is a serious risk. Because older bodies are less sensitive to changes in temperature and can’t adjust as well, seniors might not even notice that they’re overheating. Chronic health conditions and common medications, like beta blockers for high blood pressure, also make it harder for the body […]
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2018 NJ Herald Readers’ Choice Winner!

What an honor to be chosen for the 2018 NJ Herald Readers’ Choice Award! We would like to give a heartfelt thank you to our amazing Caregivers for all of their hard work and dedication – we would not be where we are today without all of you taking such good care of our seniors […]
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7 Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

1) Avoid Slipping on Ice Icy, snowy roads and sidewalks make it easy to slip and fall. “Unfortunately, falls are a common occurrence for senior citizens, especially during the winter months. Often these falls cause major injuries such as hip and wrist fractures, head trauma and major lacerations. While younger people often recover relatively quickly […]
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Keeping Elderly Parents Engaged and Happy

Quality of life means living a well-rounded lifestyle. It means social interaction and physical activity that help maintain independence. Whether your parent lives in an assisted living facility or at home with the help of home health care workers, he or she needs enough mental, physical, and emotional stimulation to remain engaged in the process […]
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Holiday Safety Tips for Seniors and Caregivers

The Holidays are a time for celebration, family and joy. But, if you have an aging senior in your family then you may need to be extra careful during this holiday season. For seniors there are several dangers that can be found in the decorations and on the day of your family get together. A […]
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An overwhelmed daughter finds a caregiver and a lifelong friend

When my mom was diagnosed with dementia three years ago, she was living on her own a few towns over from me in Tennessee. During the next several months, simple tasks— like making coffee and putting on clothes—became difficult for her. Mom could no longer live alone, so I started staying with her for a […]
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point. The good news is that many women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early. A mammogram – the screening test for breast […]
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Alzheimer’s in women

Alzheimer’s is more likely to strike women and puts more demands on women as caregivers. Alzheimer’s takes a disproportionate toll on women, according to a report released Wednesday from the Alzheimer’s Association. Women are far more likely to develop the fatal disease than men: one in six women over 65 will get it during their […]
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5 Ways to help the caregiver in your life

If you have ever tried to extend a helping hand to a caregiver, you’ve likely found that they have a very hard time accepting assistance. Nurturers by nature, they’re used to offering support, but really struggle when they find themselves on the receiving end. Most caregivers don’t want to be a bother or appear the […]
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This woman is my hero!

By Amy Torres | July 5, 2018

Heat Stroke in Seniors is Dangerous

By Amy Torres | June 29, 2018

In hot summer weather, heat stroke in seniors is a serious risk. Because older bodies are less sensitive to changes […]

2018 NJ Herald Readers’ Choice Winner!

By Amy Torres | May 30, 2018

What an honor to be chosen for the 2018 NJ Herald Readers’ Choice Award! We would like to give a […]

7 Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

By Amy Torres | February 7, 2018

1) Avoid Slipping on Ice Icy, snowy roads and sidewalks make it easy to slip and fall. “Unfortunately, falls are […]

Keeping Elderly Parents Engaged and Happy

By Amy Torres | January 19, 2018

Quality of life means living a well-rounded lifestyle. It means social interaction and physical activity that help maintain independence. Whether […]